I’ve been thinking a lot about clothes lately.
New clothes, new trends, new fashion… I love it all! I like trying things on for size and seeing what fits. More to the point: How does it make me look?
Frumpy? Fit? Flattering?… What does it matter? Why do I even care? What I wear on the outside doesn’t determine who I am on the inside… right?
So why does it bother me so much if what I’m wearing isn’t “becoming” on me? When I looked up the word becoming, Merrium-Webster defines it as “SUITABLE, FITTING especially : attractively suitable”
I want the outside of me to reflect who I am on the inside. I want it to be complimentary, fitting but most importantly attractively suitable.
Fashion is a form of beauty. It’s as diverse as people… so finding the right fitting to suit you is important. This is why companies like Stitchfix, Trunk Club, etc. are a hit. They help you “fit” you.
Still we look online for inspiration, ideas and “looks”. Instagram, Pinterest… they bring all the fabulous pictures… and it’s the current craze.
According to BigCommerce.com, “Over the last five years, brands have collaborated with social media influencers to [build] a $5-10 billion dollar industry… 65% of influencer marketing budgets will increase in 2020… Nearly two-thirds of marketers will increase their spending on influencer marketing this year.”
Who are the influencers in our lives? Social media is such a powerful tool that literally anyone can become an influencer. And while anyone can, have you noticed that many influencers look similar?
If we are all different and uniquely made, why isn’t there more shining and less mimicking? Have we forgotten who we are in following someone else?
“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come…”
Proverbs 31:25
Dignity is defined as “the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed.” (Merriam-Webster)
What would it be like to be clothed in Strength & Dignity? What would it look like if strength, worthy, honor & esteem were reflected on the outside? What if that was “becoming” on you?
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”
Proverbs 31:30
Charm, beauty and fashion are fast and fleeting… but a woman who fears the Lord >> a woman of true character << is timeless. She is authentically herself. Solid, unshakable, confident and true. Such a woman is a light bearer and hope leader.
True beauty comes from within us. It is the fruit that lasts and beauty that doesn’t die on the vine. It’s eternal. Timeless. True.
“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
2 Corinthians 4:18
Before we try and influence others, take a moment to understand what or who is influencing you? Where are we fixing our eyes, and in turn, our hearts? Stop and take note… like, literally write down your answer.
The definition of influence is “the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways : SWAY” (Merriam-Webster).
Who or what are you giving the power to sway you?
Next, answer this question: Are you looking like them? Or are you looking like the only person in the world out there who can be you: You! Do you even know the difference?
The world needs you exactly as God created you to shine. Not a duplicate or cookie cutter creation. You in all your exceptional, authentic self. Do you know who that is?
The only person who can accurately define you is the One who created you. The Author and Creator of Life Himself spoke you into creation and breathed life into your lungs far before any influencer told you what looks good or how you should or shouldn’t wear someone something.
Who are you allowing yourself to be?
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:14
Can you say that about yourself? Do you realize the gold inside of you or have you yet to discover it? Baby girl, sweet boy, it’s in there! Just ask Him.
If you let anyone influence your life, let it be the ones who will point you back to your Creator and Heavenly Father. In a world of opinions, go to the Creator, the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End. Let the One who designed you speak identity over you. Sneak peak,
“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7
He sees you. He loves you and delights in you. He just wants to be with you. Let Him speak over you. He will shower you with His kindness and lavish His grace upon you. #beautybath
He is a good Father and like any good father, He wants his children to thrive (Jeremiah 29:11) and shine! (Matthew 5:16)
He made his daughters to twirl, dance to their own beat and sparkle brighter than the stars He fashioned in night’s sky. He made His sons to soar, freedom under their wings, purpose on the horizon chasing after the son.
And when we do, His heart shines through us! Be who He created you to be. Once you do that, then it’s time to go shopping!
So while you are pushing hangers around the racks and trying on the latest trend or sale, ask yourself if what you see in the mirror reflects the real you: worthy, honored and esteemed. Strong and beautiful. Confident because what you clothe yourself in actually matches who you are.
Is what you’re wearing attractively suitable? What is becoming on you?
Ruthie Ridley says
Gahhh love this so much. You were made for this!
admin says
😭🙏🏼 you are blessing me big right now! So encouraged 💗
Brittany Smith says
Beautifully written andsSo inspiring!
admin says
Wow! Thank you so much!
Kira says
Thanks for this Allie! Excited to read more of your blog!❤️
admin says
Thank you! I’m excited to start this journey!
Heather says
Allie!! So excited for this… instagram needs your inner beauty reflected in these pics + words! 💕
admin says
Ahhhh thank you SO much! I will be faithful 🙂
Jennifer Young says
This is so beautifully written! I loved reading it – can’t wait for the next one ❤️
Allie says
Thank you so much Sis! 😘